Monday, March 17, 2008

Wine and Monopoly

i took the Pepperwood Grove on a bit of a session last night when some friends came round for a game of monopoly. it proved to be a great social drop and i had a couple of light beers too which i kind of regretted until the morning as i woke completely fine.
i had been into town earlier that day to get a couple of bottles and to see if the shop had had any more Zin to offer. unfortunately this was not to be and i settled for the Pepperwood Grove. Not to worry as im going back to the sticks at the weekend and i know a good little wine shop that im hoping may have something for me.
while in the the shop another bottle had caught the eye and reminded me of a cracking bottle that i received off fellow wine enthusiast Thud.
the Cabernet Franc that Thud had passed on to me had left an impression and this grape that is commonly used in blends for the Bordeaux of such(iv been doing some homework, i impress myself) has a distinct taste and iv wanted more.
however if this is to the standard of that i tasted we will have to see, and im sure it will come up in some discussion with Thud.
so the wine, well its a 2006 Argentinean wine by Dona Paula. i have yet to open it and taste as i have just finished of the remains of last nights wine so there will be a post to follow in the week.
oh and just so you know i lost at the monopoly and my partner as always cleared up, she is a ruthless business woman.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pepperwood Grove

ok its been a very slow start to my little task however i have tasted a couple of Zins but unfortunately they have been truly vile. therefore i have stopped looking for these in the local superstore as these bring very bad results and have broaden my suppliers.
this lead me to Pepperwood Grove and what a great find. i left this one untill tonight to open as i bought it earlier in the week. i got it to a good temperature and let it breath for about 20 mins and the result was well worth the wait. it holds a very subtle bouquet of berries as you would expect and with a very deep colour it is very different from the cheap crap i had tried earlier in the week.
the after taste is very pleasent and it reminds me of bonfire night, standing outside by the fire and eating bbq hotdogs. i really do think this is great find and a great wine, very easy drinking and strength wise hold for a nice mid week drink not to heavy.
this i would recommend and as a good start to my task i will really keep this one in mind for my trip to Napa.
bring on the Zin.